
Flavors Accompanied By Dates

Dates, once a fruit mentioned during Ramadan in the past, has become a popular choice that is now preferred throughout the year. It is chosen by those who follow low-calorie diets with reduced sugar intake, people with diabetes, and those who embrace a healthy lifestyle. It has also become a great dessert option for children. There are numerous recipes that can be made with dates, as well as more convenient forms that transform into desserts, with the quality of Alyan Food, of course. Dates are healthier due to their natural sugar content while satisfying your sweet cravings. The date fruit contains approximately 15 different minerals and vitamins. It is rich in sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. It also contains vitamins A, C, B6, B12, and D. LabanH dates, one of the brands from Alyan Food, offers a variety of dates that cater to every palate with over 6 different types. LabanH dates are packed in practical packages, rich in fiber, generous in terms of vitamins and minerals, allowing you to consume them throughout the year. The Magnificent Combination of Dates and Chocolate Dates n Choco, a chocolate with dates, is produced by combining milk and dark chocolate obtained from cocoa beans with almonds and dates. It is the tropical version of almonds and dates with the variety of coconut. Dates n Choco is accompanied by the taste of dates, supporting natural sugar intake. With the addition of almonds, the satiety of dates increases, transforming it into a snack that you will never regret consuming. Dates n Choco, the date-infused chocolate, contains the benefits of dates for your health. Moreover, when producing Dates n Choco, where dates are combined with nuts, we prefer natural and organic nuts for your health. The most delicious, functional, and natural form of dates!

The Impact of Dates in Bars

Date bars have energizing and nutritious ingredients. Dates are a natural source of sugar and provide energy. They also contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Nuts and seeds provide healthy fats, proteins, and fiber. Alyan Food's date bar range, Dates n Bar, helps you feel full and increases your energy level.

Dates n Bar date bars are usually made with organic or natural ingredients and are offered in various flavors and aromas. You can find them ready-made in stores or healthy food markets, or you can make your own date bars at home. Date bar recipes typically start with crushing or chopping the dates. Other ingredients are added and mixed to form a dough. The dough is placed in a mold, pressed evenly, and left in the freezer or refrigerator until it hardens. It can then be sliced and served. Date bars are generally preferred as a healthy snack and do not contain refined sugar or artificial additives. However, it is always important to check the ingredient list when buying ready-made bars.

Dates are known to be rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. These nutrients help fight free radicals, prevent cell damage, and provide protection against various diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Dates n Bar can be a delicious alternative and a good choice for those who adopt a healthy lifestyle. Alongside low-calorie healthy eating, Dates n Bar offers you energy and a healthy and vitamin-rich snack with flavors like hazelnut, peanuts, strawberry, orange, and collagen. You won't be able to get enough of the Forest Fruits Collagen Dates n Bar. Dates n Bar Collagen contains collagen protein. This allows collagen to be easily absorbed by the body as it is broken down into smaller parts. Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the body and provides support to many structures such as the skin, hair, nails, joints, and connective tissue. Dates n Bar Collagen was once again recognized as one of the most innovative products at the Thaifex 2023 fair.

Hygiene in the Production of Our Date Products

After dates are harvested from date orchards using natural methods, our top priority at our factory is the health of our consumers. Therefore, we place great importance on hygiene in Alyan Food production facilities. Our employees follow hygiene rules during the production stages, and we maintain our hygiene standards by regularly cleaning and conducting inspections in our facilities. We regularly maintain our equipment in our production facilities and apply strict quality controls. Furthermore, we adhere to hygiene standards in the procurement of materials used during the production stages. The aim of all these efforts is to provide our consumers with the safest and healthiest products.

Flavors Combined With Dates

The Dates n Choco family is our product line where dates turn into exquisite chocolates and bars. We come with a healthy and convenient taste for chocolate and dessert cravings. Here it is: the recipe for a healthy date bar. After preparing it, you can enjoy it between meals. We prepare a healthy and delicious snack. With its ingredients, it will be a taste explosion that perfectly complements your coffee. You can serve it with milk for your little ones. At Alyan Food, we make product selections based on consumer health and expectations. As the use of natural and beneficial products increases, we aim to meet taste expectations as well. With consumers' preference for healthy and natural products, we will continue to develop innovative products.
